We guarantee that all personal data that we obtain from you, including your name or phone number, your mailing address, your e-mail, your financial account and your address to send correspondence will be used to complete your purchase. Personal information provided by you will not (and we won\’t ever, also) be given to any third-party or given to anyone else. Information about contact details, like a phone number or email address is used only to answer questions or clarifications about your purchases or orders. On your account page, you can choose to restrict or block the information we keep about yourself.

What kind of information is the information that is collected?

When you place your order via our website, register for a site-wide contest or sweepstakes entry, complete a survey, send us a communication (email or any other method), or take part in other features on our site that require your personal information, we will keep it.

When ordering or registering when registering or ordering, we might ask to provide your name, email address, postal address, phone number, credit card details or other information. But, our website can be accessed anonymously.

How do we use your information?

We might use the data that we obtain from you when you register, purchase products, enter a contest or promotion and respond to surveys or marketing communication, surf the site, or utilize certain other site features using the following techniques:

To personalize your site experience as well as to enable us to offer the types of products and content in which you are most at.

We\’ll be able to give you better customer service when we respond to your requests.

To quickly process your transactions.

It is possible to run on a web page a feature, such as a poll, event or promotional.

How do we protect visitor information?

To make sure that your data\’s security is secured We take a variety of security measures. Only a small number of individuals with specific rights as well as strict confidentiality rules have access to the information you provide us with. Secure servers let you access personal information or make orders. Secure Socket Layers (SSL) are used for sending sensitive information such as credit card numbers. Data is encrypted and then transferred to our databases.

Our policy has changed

The page will be refreshed as and when we make any amendments to our policies. Changes to the policy only impact the information we collect after the changes were made.

Commentary and/or questions

Your comments and questions about privacy are welcome. Let us know your thoughts about privacy issues or any other.

Your agreement

When you access our website, we assume that you have read and agree to our policies concerning privacy.